A List of 10 Low Carb Foods for A Natural Low Carb Diet

When shopping for low carb diet foods it seems that many of the products available are not natural, but fake, chemically enhanced  versions of foods we are used to eating.  Experts suggest that 55-60% of your daily diet should include carbohydrates, but you want to avoid simple carbs, like breads, pastas and sweets.  So, even those individuals on a low carb diet will benefit from the complex carbohydrates in this natural, whole foods list.1.  Lettuce, spinach and other leafy greens offer excellent nutrition from naturally,.  One serving (about a cup and half) delivers only 3 grams of carbohydrates, and those are good carbs, complex carbohydrates.  Cabbage, red and green, adds about 5 grams of carbs to a low carb Keto Diet Guide, but also offers healthy fiber.2.  Tomatoes are technically a fruit, but used as a vegetable and are pleasantly low in carbohydrates.  For example, 1 medium size vine ripe tomato includes 7 grams of carbohydrates.  Now, that may alarm some of the fanatical low carb diet food tabulators, but think about this, how many times do you eat a whole tomato in a serving?  Most of the time when you eat tomatoes, you are only getting about 3 or 4 grams of carbs, and again, those are complex carbohydrates, so you have to keep it in perspective.3.  Carrots pack so much nutrition in so few calories that you have to include them in any low carb food list.  1 medium, raw carrot about 7″ long yields 8 grams of carbohydrates. If you are only eating part of the carrot, subtract accordingly for a  at the grocery store or your local health food store, but they are available from cyberspace right to your door, thanks to the Internet. No matter where you get your foods and health drinks for a low carb diet, if you stay close to nature and out of the low carb, junk food aisle you will be that much closer to perfect health and fitness.

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